Two Business Posters

One of the primary purposes of creating an eye doctor poster is to at-

tract the attention of the public and encourage individuals to seek pro-

fessional eye care services. By designing an eye-catching and visually

appealing poster, graphic designers can effectively capture the interest

of viewers and draw them in to learn more about the services offered

by the eye doctor. This helps to increase awareness about the impor-

tance of regular eye check-ups and promotes proactive measures to

maintain optimal eye health

The poster serves as a way to convey the brand identity of the ice

cream parlor to the public. Through the careful selection of colors,

fonts, and imagery, myself i can communicate the unique vibe and

personality of the establishment.


The purpose of creating a strange environmental poster

is to evoke an emotional response from the viewer. Of-

tentimes, people are more likely to remember and act

upon messages that elicit strong emotions within them.

By using strange and unusual imagery, we can tap into

the viewer’s subconscious and create a lasting impres-

sion that motivates them to take action, whether it be

recycling more, reducing their carbon footprint, or

supporting environmental causes.


Creating a song booklet for the public as a graphic designer serves

multiple purposes. It enhances the music listening experience,

helps establish the visual identity of the artist, and acts as a market-

ing tool to promote the music. As a college-level student studying

graphic design, I see the importance of these elements in creating a

successful and engaging song booklet that resonates with fans and
